J O I N  U S


F I G H T I N G   F O R   M I S S O U R I ' S   W O R K I N G   F A M I L I E S

The Missouri Democratic Party

The Missouri Democratic Party holds the distinction of being the oldest political party in the United States established west of the Mississippi River. For the last century, we've led the fight for working families. Today, we're organizing in communities across Missouri to protect and build on our progress.

Introducing Our Truman Trustees Program

Become a Truman Trustee and fight for Democracy in Missouri, enjoying VIP access to Party events, special recognition, and the knowledge that your membership will contribute to a successful 2025-2026, supporting county parties, legislators, and empowering candidates with the necessary training and resources.

Trustee Levels:

  • Truman Trustee- $1200 or $100 per month for a year.
  • The Buck Stops Here! -$2,500
  • Give'em Hell Harry!- $5,000
  • Truman Cabinet- $10,000
Learn More!
G E T   T H E   L A T E S T

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